How to Refuse a Life of Mediocrity


4 Steps to Manifest the Extraordinary

I realized the other day that it’s been years since I lamented, “I refuse to live a life of mediocrity!”

In my twenties, when I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, and struggling to gain mastery over my emotions, all I knew was that there was more – more joy, more awe, more adventure, more purpose, more success.

And I wanted more.  

And I was angry that I didn’t have more.

And I didn’t know how to get more.

Hence, my battle cry (and sometimes battle sob): “I refuse to live a life of mediocrity!”

I knew it deeply in my bones that this one short and precious life shouldn’t feel mediocre.

Synonyms for mediocre include:

  • average
  • lackluster
  • ordinary
  • unexciting
  • uninspired
  • unremarkable


The opposite of mediocre is extraordinary.

Synonyms for extraordinary include:

  • amazing
  • awesome
  • exceptional
  • fantastic
  • incredible
  • phenomenal
  • remarkable
  • sensational
  • stupendous
  • terrific
  • tremendous
  • wondrous


It occurred to me, when I recognized that mediocrity hadn’t been on my mind for some time, that my intention to have more of the extraordinary in my life had transformed my mindset, inspired action, and created results.

I'm excited to share these 4 transformative steps with you on how to refuse a life of mediocrity, and embrace and manifest the extraordinary!


1. Intention

The first step involves examining your life, holistically, across five different dimensions of wellness

  • spiritual
  • social
  • physical
  • intellectual
  • environmental   

and naming your intentions.


How do you want to feel, spiritually? Do you want to feel like your battery’s so full it overflows? Do you want to feel lit up? On purpose? Connected to your inner wisdom? Authentic? Present? Resilient? Tenacious?

How do you want to feel, socially? Do you want to feel supported? Seen? Heard? Loved? Adored? Inspired?

How do you want to feel, physically? Do you want to feel powerful? Strong? Flexible? Agile? Energized? Luscious?

How do you want to feel, intellectually? Do you want to feel creative? Engaged? Focused? Innovative? Productive?

How do you want to feel, environmentally? Do you want to feel grounded? Peaceful? Rejuvenated through nature? Connected to Mother Earth? Uncluttered and organized in your home and workspace?

Write it down!

Click HERE for more information on creating a powerful journaling practice.


2. Mindset

The second step involves adopting a mindset shift to begin looking for the extraordinary that already exists in your life.

This step alone can transform mediocrity into extraordinary – because there are so many amazing, fantastic and remarkable things that already exist in your life.


Spiritually, what’s already extraordinary?

Socially, what’s already extraordinary?

Physically, what’s already extraordinary?

Intellectually, what’s already extraordinary?

Environmentally, what’s already extraordinary?

Write it down!


3. Action

The third step involves creating an action plan to manifest the extraordinary that you intend for your life.


What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, spiritually?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, socially?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, physically?  

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, intellectually?

What are 3 actions you can take to feel the extraordinary, environmentally?

Write it down!


4. Results

Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude.

The more gratitude you express for what you have and have achieved, the more extraordinary you’ll invite into your life.


What are you grateful for, spiritually?

What are you grateful for, socially?

What are you grateful for, physically?  

What are you grateful for, intellectually?

What are you grateful for, environmentally?

Write it down!


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How to refuse a life of mediocrity: 4 steps to manifest the extraordinary, via @LifeDelish