Are you in transition? It's time to rebuild and reinvigorate your life!

Join me for an all-inclusive weekend dedicated to your wellbeing at Victoria’s Oak Bay Beach Hotel, February 1 to 3, 2019!

Join me for an all-inclusive weekend dedicated to your wellbeing at Victoria’s Oak Bay Beach Hotel, February 1 to 3, 2019!

Transitions require a rethink.

Transitions can shatter your identity, or at least put a few cracks in who you believe you are.

Transitions can be the push you need to finally commit to greater vitality.

Transitions can provide the opportunity to live bigger, more authentically, more joyfully.

Whether your transition is the loss of a loved one, becoming a new parent, the end of a relationship, the start of a new job, relocating to a new community, or entering retirement, it will serve you to spend some time investigating who the new you could be.

My daughter Bronwyn turns one next week! As a new parent, I've struggled with my identity.

My identity before becoming a parent was that of someone who was energized, disciplined, present and positive.

The past year has presented many unforeseen challenges, and in the beginning I barely had the time or energy to care for myself. I was overwhelmed, undisciplined, stretched in a million different directions. Anxious. Pessimistic.

To put it lightly, the transition into parenthood shook my foundation.

Despite my years of education and experience practicing and teaching wellness, I really had to rethink things.

How could I maintain the self-care practices I held so dear? I couldn't. I had to stage a reinvention.

Are you in transition? Join me for the chance to reinvent yourself too!

On February 1 to 3, 2019, come retreat at the beautiful Oak Bay Beach Hotel for an all-inclusive weekend dedicated to your wellbeing.

You’ll be provided with the tools, time and space to rethink your life; to add more energy, more presence, more connection, more peace.

You’ll be nourished with delicious food, pampered at the seaside spa, and treated to your own luxurious suite.

You’ll be joined by an incredible group of people who are on the same journey.

You’ll be presented with The Life Delicious' 5-module curriculum, and led through a series of engaging lectures, solo exercises and group discussions, so you can digest the information on a deep and personal level, allowing you to take the necessary actions that will create instant and lasting positive change.

This transition has provided me with even more excitement, certainty and confidence in what I teach. I can’t wait to share my updated curriculum with you! It’s been carefully revised through new eyes to be even more concise and easier to implement.

Nothing is more valuable than creating a solid foundation to live and lead from.

If it’s time to reinvest in you, I hope you’ll join me in February! Details here >>>