Your weekly roundup of insights and tips from The Life Delicious’ 5 wellness pillars:
The Life Delicious helps you create feel-good brain chemistry and hardwire healthy habits – by shifting the way you think, move, eat, sleep and connect – so you can lead a pleasurable and productive life.
MINDSET >>> Believing it’s going to be okay is a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is my message to you 😊
But seriously. Shifting your mindset – the way you think – really does impact the way your life unfolds.
#TheLifeDelicious curriculum shares 7 different mindset shifts to transform the way you think, act and LIVE:
1. Challenge mindset
2. Connection mindset
3. Curiosity mindset
4. Good-enough mindset
5. Growth mindset
6. Positivity mindset
7. Recovery mindset
CONNECTION >>> Oooh so good! Have you been to @miraj_hammam_spa? It’s one of our favourite spas in BC and we had an amazing date there last weekend!
Felt so good to invest in connecting as a couple, relaxing, and being pampered!
All treatments include a private steam room (Hammam) and exfoliation (Gommage) on a Jerusalem gold marble slab with black Moroccan soap, then a full-body massage with lavender oil, then private robed relaxation time in the Sultana Lounge nestled into velvet beds with silk cushions, sipping tea and eating cake. Amazing, right?!
NUTRITION >>> So simple and delicious! Barley with chickpeas, cannellini beans, tapenade and kale! I can’t bear the thought of a cold salad on a wintery day so I’ve been making a lot of warm salads like this one lately. Grains, beans, greens and some kind of seasoning: BOOM.
I just finished reading “The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food, and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection” by John F. Cryan, Scott C. Anderson, and Ted Dinan, and was reminded how important fibre is to feed our good gut bacteria!
Want local, organic groceries delivered right to your door? Use promo code CRVAN-ROSCAF to get $20 off your 1st @SPUDdelivers purchase of $50.
SLEEP >>> Thank you Atira Women's Resource Society for having me speak to your incredible team about #sleephygiene at your staff wellness day this week!! We dug into what’s happening while you sleep, the costs of sleep loss (mood! memory! metabolism! mental health! performance!), 9 tips to help you sleep better, and my favourite part: 150 people sharing what tips they’re committing to practice!
Want to help your team sleep better? My talk is ready to rock! Currently booking for February 2019 and onward. Email with inquires.
On another note, isn’t it ironic? Me, talking about the benefits of sleep while I am so sleep deprived! This is the funny/tragic thing about being both a wellness coach and a new mom.
While I’m up-to-date on the latest research/insights on sleep, I’m not getting very much ACTUAL SLEEP. But putting this presentation together was a great reminder of all the little things that make a big difference to sleep QUALITY (even when quantity is suffering).
MOVEMENT >>> When your brain flourishes, your mind-body-spirit flourishes too! Physical activity – whether it’s exercise, housework, locomotion or sex (!) – triggers a cascade of feel-good brain chemistry that instantly boosts your mood to help you FLOURISH.
If you find yourself feeling down during the holidays, crank up some music you love and DANCE! Or, get bundled up and get outside for a WALK! Do something, anything, that MOVES your body!
Check out “Go Wild: Eat Fat, Run Free, Be Social, and Follow Evolution's Other Rules for Total Health and Well-being”, the latest from