Your weekly roundup of insights and tips from The Life Delicious’ 5 wellness pillars:
The Life Delicious helps you create feel-good brain chemistry and hardwire healthy habits – by shifting the way you think, move, eat, sleep and connect – so you can lead a pleasurable and productive life.
MOVEMENT >>> Well, this is good news! A recent BBC article says, “Physical and mental exercise has been found to be beneficial for our brains, but scientists have now found it could also improve the learning ability of our children.”
Another excellent reason to MOVE (especially if you plan on becoming a parent)! This was me at 31 weeks pregnant with Bronwyn 😊
#epigenetics #epigeneticinheritance
NUTRITION >>> Does wine have a place in wellness? I think it can! As I moved from a personal training career (where wine was largely discouraged) in my 20s to a freelance writing career focused on food, drink and travel (where wine was always encouraged) in my 30s, I tried to find a sweet spot between those two worlds, where I could feel vibrant and healthy without feeling deprived.
I arrived at my sweet spot as a wellness educator when I founded #TheLifeDelicious, and one of its principles: the Ratio Rule for Mind-Body-Spirit Nutrition.
Amazing nutrition is absolutely essential to mental wellbeing and physical health, but I felt deprived all the time – and like a total failure – when I tried to eat "perfectly". Even the 80/20 rule was a bit of a stretch for this food-obsessed gal.
So I created the 70/30 rule! 70-percent of the time I eat "clean" for mind and body fuel, and 30-percent of the time I eat "indulgent" for spirit fuel (like this delish $25 CabMerlot from @evolvecellars).
This MINDSET has allowed me to joyfully consume a nutrient-dense diet most of the time, but some of the time treat myself to what I crave in a way that elevates me, instead of depletes me.
What's a ratio that YOU can embrace during the holidays to feel indulgent, yet nourished, vibrant and disciplined?
CONNECTION >>> Happy 48th Anniversary Mom & Dad!! Thanks for falling in love, getting married, having kids, and being amazing parents, so I could do the same.
MINDSET >>> Do you really need to buy more stuff? It probably won’t make you happier, it definitely won’t make you richer, and it likely will end up in a landfill (*Mother Nature wags finger at you* #ohnoyoudidnt).
Embrace the JOY in having LESS, and get into the #MinimalistMindset with these great resources:
* VIDEO: Only have what you LOVE, Marie Kondo explains Spark Joy
* BOOK: The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
* MOVIE: Minimalism trailer
* ARTICLE: These Are The 6 Types of Minimalists. Which One Are You?
* TRAILER: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo (Netflix)
SLEEP >>> Got #PMrituals? Try these tips to help you wind down in the evening, so once your head hits the pillow you can fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
🌛Bring back office hours – be un-contactable outside your mandatory hours by putting up your virtual CLOSED sign via #DoNotDisturb mode
🌛Dock your phone out of sight so you’re not tempted to check in
🌛Turn off all screens – phones, laptops, e-readers, TV (because they emit stimulating blue light) – 1-2hrs before bedtime (if that’s a stretch, start with 15min!)
🌛Ban late-night difficult conversations
🌛Engage in relaxing activities like puzzles, journaling, reading and orgasm(s)
🌛Download your worries and errands onto paper (so they’re not running through your brain)
🌛Take your cue at sunset and dim your lights
🌛If you MUST look at screens, reduce brightness and use a #bluelightfilter
🌛Invest in blackout blinds for your bedroom