SLEEP >>> Got #PMrituals? Try these tips to help you wind down in the evening, so once your head hits the pillow you can fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
🌛Bring back office hours – be un-contactable outside your mandatory hours by putting up your virtual CLOSED sign via #DoNotDisturb mode
🌛Dock your phone out of sight so you’re not tempted to check in
🌛Turn off all screens – phones, laptops, e-readers, TV (because they emit stimulating blue light) – 1-2hrs before bedtime (if that’s a stretch, start with 15min!)
🌛Ban late-night difficult conversations
🌛Engage in relaxing activities like puzzles, journaling, reading and orgasm(s)
🌛Download your worries and errands onto paper (so they’re not running through your brain)
🌛Take your cue at sunset and dim your lights
🌛If you MUST look at screens, reduce brightness and use a #bluelightfilter
🌛Invest in blackout blinds for your bedroom