Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
TLD Intel: a monthly roundup of events, articles, books, videos and podcasts to help you live The Life Delicious!
Happy New Year!!
I have long suggested we skip resolutions and create rituals (checkout my YouTube video, “Skip resolutions and create rituals!“)
Resolutions have so much pressure and, often, not much longevity.
Rituals – habits, elevated and prioritized – are so much gentler and longer-lasting.
What rituals do you practice to welcome the new year, this opportunity to begin anew?
IMAGE: @aaronjbarr
We love an icy ocean dip (it was -9C in the photo above, brrr!!), and to add another page to our dreambook with goals for the year ahead.
We began our dreambook in 2007. One page for each new year, alternating lines with our goals.
It was so interesting to review 15 years of goals and see consistent shared trends: fitness, adventure, friendship, and rewarding careers – simple pleasures that make a good life.
>>> What simple pleasures make your life good? I would love to hear about them!
Here’s to connecting with our dreams on the daily, and practising the habits that make life good!
Now, onto my Top 3 picks for January 2022:
1. BOOK: Unreconciled: Family, Truth, and Indigenous Resistance by Jesse Wente
I could not put this book down. It’s both an incredible personal story about Wente’s life, an important education on the history of Canada, and a direct and helpful call to action for settlers on how to mend our relationship with Indigenous people.
Highly recommended!
You can read an excerpt of Wente’s book here and listen to his interviews on CBC here.
2. ARTICLE: The Science of Habit – What does it take to stick with something long term? You just have to rewire your brain | Healthline
I was thrilled to be included as an expert in this article on the science of habit alongside neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Dr. Tom Kannon.
You’ll learn how habits are formed, the power of “why”, and 10 tools to start a new habit (or break a old one).
3. VIDEOS: Cosmic Kids Yoga | YouTube
As you may know, I am working on my yoga teacher training, and, as you may have experienced if you’re a parent, it can sometimes be tricky to squeeze in exercise when you’re looking after a little one. Last month, we discovered Cosmic Kids yoga and my 4-year-old daughter Bronwyn CAN’T GET ENOUGH! So many of you shared with me on Instagram and Facebook that your kids love this YouTube channel too.
It's really fun to do these together as a family :)